Make Social Media Your Resolution


It’s 2015, which means you can’t avoid social media anymore. It has proved that it’s here to stay, and that it will continue to develop further. Far from a passing fad, Facebook has been on the scene for 10 years, and other platforms continue to grow and become ever more popular. Whether or not you are personally on social media, the rest of the world is online and your business can no longer not be on at least one platform. The Promise And The Plan If you haven’t yet made a 2015 resolution for your business, make establishing your social media your goal. The aim is to maintain a constant presence and develop a strategy. Start by promising to post at least once a day. The best way to make sure you achieve this is to develop a six week strategy of posts. Figure out what type of post you’ll do each day, making sure to try a variety of content and formats. Try to include images, information, marketing, videos, and fun in there. Source timeless content in advance, and then you can choose to share more timely content as it arises, without ever being left without something to post. Audience And Analytics Once the six weeks is up, check your analytics to see which content was popular and what time of day worked best, and create your next strategy with this information in mind. Knowing your audience is the first step to finding the right content. So figure out who your target market is before you start. However, as it is not possible to read minds, your analytics will be your best tool for seeing what people are really loving and keeping track of changing trends. Reaping The Rewards It may seem like a struggle at first, but once you’re in the habit, you’ll find it simple and maybe even enjoy using social media. And if you develop your plan in advance, you’ll find it even easier! After a few months, you’ll start noticing an improvement to your online presence and interactions with current and potential customers. By the end of the year, you’ll be glad you started and may even be ready to step up the game! Follow us on Twitter Connect with us on LinkedIn Find us on Instagram Share with us on Pinterest Visit our website

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